We have made a quick fix to the carport gutter & the carport gutters were cleaned on March 15th 2019.
We have made a quick fix to the carport gutter & the carport gutters were cleaned on March 15th 2019.
The Landscaping Committee has issued a test pilot of half a day’s work by our vendor’s enhancement team & the results have been incredible! Our Initial phase is to focus on the curb appeal renewal efforts by removing vegetation deemed outdated/dead/hazardous to the building envelope. The Landscaping Committee will schedule about another full day's worth of work in 2019.
Stay tuned!
Photo Sourced from our vendor: Moseleybrosasphalt.com
An update on our community Asphalt Seal Coat for all parking spaces, we have dates:
Pressure Wash: Monday 5/27 10:30am-2:30pm
Seal Coat: Monday 6/3 11:30am-2pm
Stripe: Monday 6/3 6pm-8pm
ALL parking spaces will need to be vacant for these time periods, or vehicles maybe subject to removal from these spaces at the owner's expresses as contractually required between the HOA & our contractor for this said job. Parking in the alleyway will likely not be an option as the contractor will be using heavy equipment & the alleyway is city property designated as a No Parking Zone.
Folks! please find a safe place for your vehicles for these times! By the time you come back, your parking space should be like brand new!
Last year in 2018 the Board or Directors voted on a new vendor for global pest management & we're happy to let you know after years of absence of rat control, your current Board is bringing it back.
We will also focus on ants, wasps, yellow jackets, and in particular spider treatment with increased services in summer months.
The Board of Directors was able to secure a great deal in 2018 for 2019 work-scope to entail the essential seal of asphalt to maintain our parking spaces. Exact dates are TBD; ideally on a hot day between M-F (typical workday) in July or August 2019.
Our contractors will need the parking spacings for 24 Hrs on a hot day up to 72 Hrs on an overcast day. Our community should expect to have priority time-slot since we signed the bid in September 2018 for 2019 work date. This is a non-capital expense with a contractor who will use professional capital equipment & labor allocation for hand installation near areas which call for attention to detail.
Starting in the month of February 2019 our landscaping company will be tackling our most ambitious Landscaping projects for enhancements within the common area; our landscaping committee headed by Maxine Fountain has been working closely with our company over the last year; the first phase will begin on Feburary 28th 2019.
Additionally, your Board of Directors has partnered up with a new arborist vendor & now refined the maintenance schedule to upkeep & our vegetation for trees over 12' tall.
St John Court wrought Iron fence lining the perimeter of Lombard & Carlin St have been wire-brushed & painted.
Before & After
Additionally, all lights lining the fencing have been matched to 5000 Kelvin to provide ample daylight & all lights directly outside units have been matched with 2700 Kelvin to provide residents with a soft glow.
The board has changed all broken & busted light bulbs with direct high performance LED lights to ensure safety & we have matched outer areas of the building with 5000 Kelvin color & outside your door you'll have a light glow of 2700 Kelvin.
We hope this will bring a 'green new thumb' with lower cost & longevity to brightness during the night
Before & After