Our sidewalks are now moss and dirt free. We hope to provide these services as a line item each & every year. Stay tuned!

Our sidewalks are now moss and dirt free. We hope to provide these services as a line item each & every year. Stay tuned!
Another Small, but yet mighty improvement!
Monday July the 22nd possibly into Tuesday the 23rd will see the entire building area washed
We will need the first few feet of your parking spaces
Starting in mid 2019 the community will introduce annual pressure washing in order to keep moss growth at bay! This will include a combination of high pressured & low-pressure spray in addition to multiple-month powder treatment of moss on softer surfaces such as our perimeter brick. We're also excited to announce this project is possible because of the Board of Director's renewal of best practices when regarding community funds> point-in-case, in 2019 & beyond Pressure washing will be funded by reallocating unnecessary spending.
This includes all common area sidewalks, all stairwells, both carports, and soft wash perimeter brickwork!
We have finally finished the Parking lot overhaul of 2019.
We have sealcoated the asphalt & installed a total of 19 LED lights.
The asphalt has been officially seal coated!
A quick update on LED lighting for our carport!
Phase 2/3 saw the fourth fixture installed in carport #1 additionally all four fixtures in carport#2 at 4000K Kelvin rating.
We also saw a brighter light insatalled above the basment door nearest to Catlin Ave.
Phase 3/3 should see the completetion of the lighting up the alleyway with 3000K kelvin rating within the next few weeks.
A small but mighty improvment.
We have been able to cut the water bill down by an average of ~$200 per month in addition to our continued efforts to pull water away from the foundation of the building!
This has been achived by replacing a busted irrigation timer.
Broken irrigation timer was flooding the grounds on a regular basis; this has been resolved.
Old Vs. New
LED Lighting Phase 1/3
A key area of improvement is to deliver LED lighting. The community has installed half of it's additional LED light strips in addition to floodlights for the surrounding area.
Please take a look at the before & after photos below!
As you can see below, we litterary have a 'night & day' differnce in terms of before & after
(Left vs Right side of the trash area).
The community will be addressing dark spots as seen in this photo. Stay tuned!
Hey everyone!
All basment doors have been structurally finalized recalibration,
bolted plywood reinforcement, weather-stripped, and set to be primered in Auguest.
North Side Basment
South Side Basment