Photo Sourced from our vendor: Moseleybrosasphalt.com
An update on our community Asphalt Seal Coat for all parking spaces, we have dates:
Pressure Wash: Monday 5/27 10:30am-2:30pm
Seal Coat: Monday 6/3 11:30am-2pm
Stripe: Monday 6/3 6pm-8pm
ALL parking spaces will need to be vacant for these time periods, or vehicles maybe subject to removal from these spaces at the owner's expresses as contractually required between the HOA & our contractor for this said job. Parking in the alleyway will likely not be an option as the contractor will be using heavy equipment & the alleyway is city property designated as a No Parking Zone.
Folks! please find a safe place for your vehicles for these times! By the time you come back, your parking space should be like brand new!